
Subventions TC Printemps 2014

Subventions en vedette

Nom de l'opportunité
Date limite
Grand Challenges CanadaGlobal Mental Health – Round 3
Grand Challenges Canada is looking for solutions that demonstrate a clear path to scale and sustainability, have measurable outcomes of increased access to care and improved treatment, and can ultimately serve as models that can be replicated or scaled in other low-resource settings.
up to $1 million January 9th
Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), supported by the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health, the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, the CIHR Institute of Aging, in collaboration with the CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes.
75000 $January 10th
W. Garfield Weston FoundationRapid Response Request for Applications in Neuroscience
The goal of the Rapid Response program is to provide support to novel, high-risk, high-reward translational research that will accelerate the development of therapeutics in neurodegenerative diseases of aging. The program builds on several exciting pilots that were recently released to the Canadian neuroscience research community and leverages an innovative and untraditional approach to the grant process that expedites timelines and allows greater responsiveness to researchers.
$150,000January 13th
The Grand Challenges Canada Saving Brains initiative promotes the fulfillment of human capital potential by focusing on interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of life.
two funding streams: seed (up to $250,000 CAD) and transition-to-scale (up to $1 million CAD in matched funding)January 16th
National Institutes of Health (NIH)Exceptional Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Acceleration (EUREKA) for Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System (R01)
SThis Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks Research Project Grant (R01) applications addressing exceptionally novel hypotheses and/or remarkably difficult problems in neuroscience and disorders of the nervous system. This announcement is for support of new rather than ongoing projects, and is not intended for pilot research. The proposed research may have a high risk of failure, but it must promise results with especially high impact should it be successful. The research should be groundbreaking, innovative, original and/or unconventional, with the potential to solve important problems or open new areas for investigation.
TBAFebruary 3rd
AcfasPrix Acfas
Chaque année, depuis 1944, l'Acfas s'associe à des partenaires pour décerner des prix récompensant des contributions exceptionnelles à la recherche, et ce, dans tous les domaines du savoir. Elle remet huit prix à des chercheurs et des chercheures qui ont atteint une maturité dans leur carrière. Elle remet aussi 5 prix à des étudiants-chercheurs en cours d’étude, venant à souligner leurs qualités de chercheurs et des chercheures et à les encourager à poursuivre une carrière en recherche.
$5,000February 3rd
Planning and Dissemination Grants are intended to provide support for planning and/or dissemination activities consistent with the mandate of CIHR and relevant to CIHR Institutes, Initiatives, or the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) Community Outreach Fund.
$25,000 for up to one (1) yearFebruary 18th
IDRCSmall Grants for Innovative Research and Knowledge-Sharing

Provided through the Canadian Partnerships program, these grants support research, knowledge-building, and knowledge-sharing projects. They also fund events and small dissemination activities and products.
The overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of the Canadian international development and research community to carry out research and knowledge-related activities, with the potential to influence policy and practice, in a collaborative manner across types of institutions and sectors and with LMIC partners.

up to $60,000March 18
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are: To increase the uptake/application of synthesized knowledge in decision-making by supporting partnerships between researchers and knowledge users to produce scoping reviews and syntheses that respond to the information needs of knowledge users in all areas of health; To extend the benefits of knowledge synthesis to new kinds of questions relevant to knowledge users and areas of research that have not traditionally been synthesized.
up to $100,000April 1st
W. Garfield Weston Foundation2014 Transformational Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases of Aging
Proposed projects must be translational research and fall into one of these two categories to be eligible for funding: 1) Preclinical development of a therapeutic; 2) Development of tools that help accelerate development of therapeutics, e.g., animal models, imaging techniques or reagents, biomarkers, diagnostics, and clinical assessment instruments.
up to $1,500,000LOI May 2nd
SSHRCAid to Scholarly Journals
SSHRC recognizes that peer reviewed scholarly journals are a primary tool for fostering intellectual debate and inquiry. Today, new information and communication technologies are changing how research results are published and disseminated, allowing information to circulate more rapidly and widely than ever before. In response, and in accordance with SSHRC’s policy on open access, SSHRC designed this funding opportunity to allow journals to seek support regardless of business model or distribution format.
up to $5,000 per annum June 1st

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Dernière modification de la page : Vendredi 21 mars 2014 14:43:48 EDT

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