
Subventions TC Automne 2013

Subventions en vedette

Nom de l'opportunité
Date limite
SSHRCConnection Grants
Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage on research issues of value to those participating. Events and outreach activities funded by a Connection Grant may often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects potentially eligible for funding through other SSHRC funding opportunities.
up to 25,000Continuous intake
NSERCNSERC Awards for Science Promotion
The NSERC Awards for Science Promotion honour people and groups that are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.
Up to $25,000 September 3rd
“The Proof of Principle (POP) Phase I program provides funding for proof of principle research projects of up to 12 months duration designed to advance discoveries/inventions towards commercializable technologies, with a view to attract new investment, create new science-based businesses, organizations and initiatives, and ultimately improve health outcomes for Canadians. Research projects across all four pillars of CIHR are eligible for this program. Note that the end product is not required to generate revenue, but there must be a demonstrated market and opportunity for your product. Applications for the continuation of a research project funded through the POP Phase I grant must progress from Phase I to Phase II.
$160,000 September 3rd
“The Proof of Principle (POP) Phase II program provides funding for proof of principle research projects up to 12 months in duration at the co-investment stage undertaking follow-on proof of principle activities in partnership with a non-academic investor. This funding opportunity is aimed at providing a platform to better enable the academic institution/researcher to move the discovery/invention further down the innovation pipeline. Research projects across all four pillars of CIHR are eligible for this program. Note that the end product is not required to generate revenue, but there must be a demonstrated market and opportunity for your product.
$300,000 September 3rd
IDRCSmall Grants for Innovative Research and Knowledge-Sharing
Provided through the Canadian Partnerships program, these grants support research, knowledge-building, and knowledge-sharing projects. They also fund events and small dissemination activities and products. .
up to $60,000 September 9th
FRQSCConcerted action : Aging of the Quebec population and associated socio-economic and health challenges
Le programme Actions concertées (English version) vise à répondre à des besoins de recherche et d'innovation cernés par les milieux gouvernemental, communautaire, culturel et industriel, établis au Québec. Globalement, ce programme favorise le maillage entre les milieux qui ont des besoins de recherche et les chercheurs, assure le transfert continu des connaissances qui émanent des recherches et vise à maximiser l'utilité des résultats de ces recherches.
up to $175,000LOI September 11th
CIHRSupplément aux stagiaires pour l’application des connaissances sur le genre, le sexe et la santé de l’ISFH (2013-2014)
Le supplément aux stagiaires pour l'AC sur le genre, le sexe et la santé a pour objectif d'encourager les stagiaires d'entreprendre de la recherche en AC pertinente par rapport à la mission de l'ISFH. Les initiatives d'AC admissibles à ce supplément doivent directement faire avancer l'application de la recherche effectuée par le candidat dans le cadre d'une thèse ou d'un projet de postdoctorat avec une orientation significative sur le genre et/ou le sexe et la santé.
$5,000 October 1st
Education of groups such as patients, health professionals, community organizations, policy-makers, the general public; Knowledge dissemination that will inform practice, clinical care, partnership best practices, policy and decision making; Dissemination and/or discussion of research findings at scientific meetings, workshops, conferences, congresses or symposia.
$25,000 October 15
Activities may focus on, but are not limited to, the following: Activities that assist potential teams of researchers, knowledge-users and/or partners in working together to identify research questions or emerging issues and priorities that could form the basis of a grant application; Conducting an environmental scan or preliminary synthesis of relevant literature, activities or programs; Stakeholder consultations, including citizen engagement activities, regarding needs, gaps and opportunities in the health research landscape, priority policy issues and/or priority research questions, where such common understanding is currently lacking or requires further development;
$25,000 October 15
CIHRCatalyst Grant: e-Health Innovations (2013)

The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
• Encourage Canadian investigators to augment, integrate and evaluate e-health approaches that demonstrate potential in the five relevant research areas subsequently defined.
• Demonstrate the impact of inclusion of end users to empower patients as partners in their care, support evidence-based individualized care, monitor population health and health system performance and/or integrate technologies to improve equitable access to care in resource poor settings to support the continuum of personal and population-based care.
• Foster the establishment of partnerships that yield innovative approaches among clinical programs, researchers and industry, particularly with micro, small and medium-sized Canadian or other relevant enterprises.

$100,000 October 15
OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRINCIPALInternal Paper Presentation Grants
The paper presentation grant program allocates SSHRC funds to McGill faculty members for travel expenses incurred in the presentation of research communications at academic conferences.
$1,500December 15th
Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF)Small research, activity and transfer initiatives
This program is aimed at teachers and researchers from AUF member institutions in the Americas. The goal of this program is to develop sustainable cooperation between institutions of higher education in the North and South.
20 000 EurosDecember 16th

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