
Articles pertinents en Apprentissage en ligne

Auteur (s)
Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier(external link)Etienne C. Wenger and William M. Snyder2000
Monitoring use of knowledge and evaluating outcomes.(external link)Straus SE, Tetroe J, Graham ID, Zwarenstein M, Bhattacharyya O, Shepperd S.2010
Defining success for translational research organizations.(external link)Pozen R, Kline H.2011
Active ingredients in anti-stigma programmes in mental health.(external link)Pinfold V, Thornicroft G, Huxley P, Farmer P.2005
Cross training program in Montréal's south west: best practices and training in a context of continuum of services in mental health care and addiction treatment.(external link)Perreault M, Wiethaueper D, Perreault N, Bonin JP, Brown TG, Brunaud H.2009
Implementation of a panel of service users for the evaluation of mental health outpatient services.(external link)Perreault M, Renaud J, Bourassa F, Beauchesne L, Mpiana A, Bernier S, Milton D.2010
Experience in cross training within the context if integration of patient care team services in southeast Montreal.(external link)Perreault M, Bonin JP, Veilleux R, Alary G, Ferland I.2005
The Registry of Knowledge Translation Methods and Tools: a resource to support evidence-informed public health(external link)Peirson L, Catallo C, Chera S.2013
People, organizational, and leadership factors impacting informatics support for clinical and translational research.(external link)Payne PR, Pressler TR, Sarkar IN, Lussier Y.2013
Crowdsourcing 101: a few basics to make you the leader of the pack.(external link)Parvanta C, Roth Y, Keller H.2013
Knowledge translation in healthcare: A review of the literature.(external link)Oborn, E., Barrett, M. and Racko, G.2011
What is knowledge and when should it be implemented?(external link)O'Grady L.2012
Twelve myths about systematic reviews for health system policymaking rebutted.(external link)Moat KA, Lavis JN, Wilson MG, Røttingen JA, Bärnighausen T.2013
Mapping the translational science policy 'valley of death'.(external link)Meslin EM, Blasimme A, Cambon-Thomsen A.2013
Values in translation: how asking the right questions can move translational science toward greater health impact.(external link)Kelley M, Edwards K, Starks H, Fullerton SM, James R, Goering S, Holland S, Disis ML, Burke W.2012
What is the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to conduct a review? Protocol for a scoping review.(external link)Kastner M, Tricco AC, Soobiah C, Lillie E, Perrier L, Horsley T, Welch V, Cogo E, Antony J, Straus SE.2012
The role of human agents in facilitating clinical and translational science.(external link)David Johnson J.2012
Education in health research methodology: use of a wiki for knowledge translation.(external link)Hamm MP, Klassen TP, Scott SD, Moher D, Hartling L.2013
The paths from research to improved health outcomes.(external link)Glasziou P, Haynes B.2005
Measuring the impact of programs that challenge the public stigma of mental illness.(external link)Corrigan PW, Shapiro JR.2010
Evaluation and the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards: A "Top Ten" List.(external link)Pincus HA, Abedin Z, Blank AE, Mazmanian PE.2013
Crowdsourcing : définition, enjeux, typologie.(external link)Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Julien Pénin2011
Structural Holes and Good Ideas.(external link)Ronald S. Burt2004
Knowledge transfer, policymaking and community empowerment: a consensus model approach for providing public mental health and substance abuse services.(external link)Broner N, Franczak M, Dye C, McAllister W.2001
A position paper of the EFLM Committee on Education and Training and Working Group on Distance Education Programmes/E-Learning: developing an e-learning platform for the education of stakeholders in laboratory medicine.(external link)Gruson, D., G. Faure, B. Gouget, A. Haliassos, D. Kisikuchin, H. Reguengo, E. Topic and V. Blaton2013 - A student-centered e-learning project of clinical pharmacology.(external link)Zollner, B., M. Sucha, C. Berg, N. Muss, P. Amann, B. Amann-Neher, D. Oestreicher, S. Engelhardt and A. Sarikas2013
Mental health education programmes for generalist health professionals: an integrative review.(external link)Brunero, S., Y. H. Jeon and K. Foster2012
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training.(external link)Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki2012
Can dialectical behavior therapy be learned in highly structured learning environments? Results from a randomized controlled dissemination trial.(external link)Dimeff, L. A., E. A. Woodcock, M. S. Harned and B. Beadnell2011
Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients knowledge with Internet-based education.(external link)Heikkinen, K., S. Salantera and H. Leino-Kilpi2010

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