Titre | Auteur (s) | Année
Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier | Etienne C. Wenger and William M. Snyder | 2000
Monitoring use of knowledge and evaluating outcomes. | Straus SE, Tetroe J, Graham ID, Zwarenstein M, Bhattacharyya O, Shepperd S. | 2010
Defining success for translational research organizations. | Pozen R, Kline H. | 2011
Active ingredients in anti-stigma programmes in mental health. | Pinfold V, Thornicroft G, Huxley P, Farmer P. | 2005
Cross training program in Montréal's south west: best practices and training in a context of continuum of services in mental health care and addiction treatment. | Perreault M, Wiethaueper D, Perreault N, Bonin JP, Brown TG, Brunaud H. | 2009
Implementation of a panel of service users for the evaluation of mental health outpatient services. | Perreault M, Renaud J, Bourassa F, Beauchesne L, Mpiana A, Bernier S, Milton D. | 2010
Experience in cross training within the context if integration of patient care team services in southeast Montreal. | Perreault M, Bonin JP, Veilleux R, Alary G, Ferland I. | 2005
The Registry of Knowledge Translation Methods and Tools: a resource to support evidence-informed public health | Peirson L, Catallo C, Chera S. | 2013
People, organizational, and leadership factors impacting informatics support for clinical and translational research. | Payne PR, Pressler TR, Sarkar IN, Lussier Y. | 2013
Crowdsourcing 101: a few basics to make you the leader of the pack. | Parvanta C, Roth Y, Keller H. | 2013
Knowledge translation in healthcare: A review of the literature. | Oborn, E., Barrett, M. and Racko, G. | 2011
What is knowledge and when should it be implemented? | O'Grady L. | 2012
Twelve myths about systematic reviews for health system policymaking rebutted. | Moat KA, Lavis JN, Wilson MG, Røttingen JA, Bärnighausen T. | 2013
Mapping the translational science policy 'valley of death'. | Meslin EM, Blasimme A, Cambon-Thomsen A. | 2013
Values in translation: how asking the right questions can move translational science toward greater health impact. | Kelley M, Edwards K, Starks H, Fullerton SM, James R, Goering S, Holland S, Disis ML, Burke W. | 2012
What is the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to conduct a review? Protocol for a scoping review. | Kastner M, Tricco AC, Soobiah C, Lillie E, Perrier L, Horsley T, Welch V, Cogo E, Antony J, Straus SE. | 2012
The role of human agents in facilitating clinical and translational science. | David Johnson J. | 2012
Education in health research methodology: use of a wiki for knowledge translation. | Hamm MP, Klassen TP, Scott SD, Moher D, Hartling L. | 2013
The paths from research to improved health outcomes. | Glasziou P, Haynes B. | 2005
Measuring the impact of programs that challenge the public stigma of mental illness. | Corrigan PW, Shapiro JR. | 2010
Evaluation and the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards: A "Top Ten" List. | Pincus HA, Abedin Z, Blank AE, Mazmanian PE. | 2013
Crowdsourcing : définition, enjeux, typologie. | Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Julien Pénin | 2011
Structural Holes and Good Ideas. | Ronald S. Burt | 2004
Knowledge transfer, policymaking and community empowerment: a consensus model approach for providing public mental health and substance abuse services. | Broner N, Franczak M, Dye C, McAllister W. | 2001
A position paper of the EFLM Committee on Education and Training and Working Group on Distance Education Programmes/E-Learning: developing an e-learning platform for the education of stakeholders in laboratory medicine. | Gruson, D., G. Faure, B. Gouget, A. Haliassos, D. Kisikuchin, H. Reguengo, E. Topic and V. Blaton | 2013
Pharmacases.de - A student-centered e-learning project of clinical pharmacology. | Zollner, B., M. Sucha, C. Berg, N. Muss, P. Amann, B. Amann-Neher, D. Oestreicher, S. Engelhardt and A. Sarikas | 2013
Mental health education programmes for generalist health professionals: an integrative review. | Brunero, S., Y. H. Jeon and K. Foster | 2012
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. | Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki | 2012
Can dialectical behavior therapy be learned in highly structured learning environments? Results from a randomized controlled dissemination trial. | Dimeff, L. A., E. A. Woodcock, M. S. Harned and B. Beadnell | 2011
Ambulatory orthopaedic surgery patients knowledge with Internet-based education. | Heikkinen, K., S. Salantera and H. Leino-Kilpi | 2010 |
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