
Articles pertinents sur Web (incluant Wiki)

Auteur (s)
Managing proposals and evaluations of updates to medical knowledge: Theory and applications. Anselma, L., A. Bottrighi, S. Montani and P. Terenziani 2013
Knowledge Translation in eHealth: Building a Virtual Community. Bassi, J., F. Lau, S. Hagens, C. Leaver and M. Price 2013
Web 2.0 for health promotion: reviewing the current evidence. Chou, W. Y., A. Prestin, C. Lyons and K. Y. Wen 2013
Education in health research methodology: use of a wiki for knowledge translation. Hamm, M. P., T. P. Klassen, S. D. Scott, D. Moher and L. Hartling 2013
Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in Web-based guideline development groups: proof of concept randomized controlled trial. Heselmans, A., B. Aertgeerts, P. Donceel, S. Van de Velde, P. Vanbrabant and D. Ramaekers 2013
Medical podcasting in iran; pilot, implementation and attitude evaluation. Heydarpour, P., N. Hafezi-Nejad, A. Khodabakhsh, M. Khosravi, S. Khoshkis, M. Sadeghian, B. Samavat, A. Faturechi, P. Pasalar and A. R. Dehpour 2013
Texting for health: the use of participatory methods to develop healthy lifestyle messages for teens. Hingle, M., M. Nichter, M. Medeiros and S. Grace 2013
Veiller sur la santé et les services sociaux : le cas du développement d’une communauté de pratique interorganisationnelle. HOUTEKIER, C., C. SAFIANYK, R. LAMBERT and K. BÉLANGER 2013
The impact of group membership on collaborative learning with wikis. Matschke, C., J. Moskaliuk and J. Kimmerle 2013
WhatisKT wiki: a case study of a platform for knowledge translation terms and definitions - descriptive analysis. McKibbon, K. A., C. Lokker, A. Keepanasseril, H. Colquhoun, R. B. Haynes and N. L. Wilczynski 2013
Toward a wiki guide for obstetrics and gynecology trainees in Ireland. McVey, R. M., E. Clarke, P. Joyce, M. Turner and M. J. Gannon 2013
The Registry of Knowledge Translation Methods and Tools: a resource to support evidence-informed public health. Peirson, L., C. Catallo and S. Chera 2013
The application of wiki technology in medical education. Rasmussen, A., M. Lewis and J. White 2013
Extending inter-professional learning through the use of a multi-disciplinary Wiki. Stephens, M., L. Robinson and D. McGrath 2013 - A student-centered e-learning project of clinical pharmacology. Zollner, B., M. Sucha, C. Berg, N. Muss, P. Amann, B. Amann-Neher, D. Oestreicher, S. Engelhardt and A. Sarikas 2013
eLab: bringing together people, data and methods to enhance knowledge discovery in healthcare settings. Ainsworth, J., J. Cunningham and I. Buchan 2012
Health care professionals' beliefs about using wiki-based reminders to promote best practices in trauma care. Archambault, P. M., A. Bilodeau, M. P. Gagnon, K. Aubin, A. Lavoie, J. Lapointe, J. Poitras, S. Croteau, M. Pham-Dinh and F. Legare 2012
Supported self-management: a simple, effective way to improve depression care. Bilsker, D., E. M. Goldner and E. Anderson 2012
<< Biology/medicine 2.0 >>: an overview. Boudry, C. 2012
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes. Brown, R., R. Rasmussen, I. Baldwin and P. Wyeth 2012
The social economy: unlocking value and productivity through social technologies. Chui M., M. J., Bughin J., Dobbs R., Roxburgh C., Sarrazin H., Sands G. and Westergren M 2012
Adoption of a wiki within a large internal medicine residency program: a 3-year experience. Crotty, B. H., A. Mostaghimi and E. E. Reynolds 2012
Feasibility of a wiki as a participatory tool for patients in clinical guideline development. den Breejen, E. M., W. L. Nelen, J. M. Knijnenburg, J. S. Burgers, R. P. Hermens and J. A. Kremer 2012
eHealth: easing translation in health care. Geissbuhler, A. 2012
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki 2012
A few thoughts on evidence in social work. Holden, G., E. Tuchman, K. Barker, G. Rosenberg, M. Thazin, S. Kuppens and K. Watson 2012
Increasing nurses' access to evidence through a web-based resource. League, K., T. Christenbery, V. Sandlin, D. Arnow, K. Moss and N. Wells 2012
The impact of group membership on collaborative learning with wikis. League, K., T. Christenbery, V. Sandlin, D. Arnow, K. Moss and N. Wells 2012
Collaborative Online Writing Assignments to Foster Active Learning. Olivo, R. F. 2012
Advancing the application, quality and harmonization of implementation science measures. Rabin, B. A., P. Purcell, S. Naveed, R. P. Moser, M. D. Henton, E. K. Proctor, R. C. Brownson and R. E. Glasgow 2012
Interactive knowledge networks for interdisciplinary course navigation within Moodle. Scherl, A., K. Dethleffsen and M. Meyer 2012
Applying social network analysis to understand the knowledge sharing behaviour of practitioners in a clinical online discussion forum. Stewart, S. A. and S. S. Abidi 2012
Why technology matters as much as science in improving healthcare. Szczerba, R. J. and M. D. Huesch 2012
Survey explores nurses' of e-health tools. Wallis, A. 2012
Social networks attempt to spark academic-university collaborations. Weintraub, A. 2012
Effective collaborative learning in biomedical education using a web-based infrastructure. Wu, Y., F. Zheng, S. Cai, N. Xiang, Z. Zhong, J. He and F. Xu 2012
Collaborative authoring: a case study of the use of a wiki as a tool to keep systematic reviews up to date. Bender, J. L., L. A. O'Grady, A. Deshpande, A. A. Cortinois, L. Saffie, D. Husereau and A. R. Jadad 2011
Talk, trust and time: a longitudinal study evaluating knowledge translation and exchange processes for research on violence against women. Wathen, C. N., S. L. Sibbald, S. M. Jack and H. L. Macmillan 2011
YouTube as a participatory culture. Chau, C. 2010
A knowledge management tool for public health: Dobbins, M., K. DeCorby, P. Robeson, H. Husson, D. Tirilis and L. Greco 2010
Informatics and knowledge translation. Bullard, M. J., S. D. Emond, T. A. Graham, K. Ho and B. R. Holroyd 2007

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Dernière modification de la page : Mercredi 20 novembre 2013 13:47:17 EST

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