Auteur (s)
From knowledge translation to engaged scholarship: promoting research relevance and utilization |
Bowen, S. J., Graham, I. D. |
2013 |
Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in Web-based guideline development groups: proof of concept randomized controlled trial. |
Heselmans, A., B. Aertgeerts, P. Donceel, S. Van de Velde, P. Vanbrabant and D. Ramaekers |
2013 |
Maximizing usability of evidence in rehabilitation practice: tips for researchers |
Sander, A. M., Van Veldhoven, L. M., Backus, D. |
2013 |
Dementia knowledge transfer project in a rural area |
Stark, C., Innes, A., Szymczynska, P., Forrest, L., Proctor, K. |
2013 |
How do we change practice when we have the evidence? |
Burke, J. P. and L. N. Gitlin |
2012 |
Feasibility of a wiki as a participatory tool for patients in clinical guideline development. |
den Breejen, E. M., W. L. Nelen, J. M. Knijnenburg, J. S. Burgers, R. P. Hermens and J. A. Kremer |
2012 |
Integrating the transitional relationship model into clinical practice |
Forchuk, C., Martin, M. L., Jensen, E., Ouseley, S., Sealy, P., Beal, G., Reynolds, W., Sharkey, S. |
2012 |
The guideline implementability research and application network (GIRAnet): an international collaborative to support knowledge exchange: study protocol |
Gagliardi, A. R., Brouwers, M. C., Bhattacharyya, O. K. |
2012 |
Roadmap for a participatory research-practice partnership to implement evidence. |
Harrison, M. B. and I. D. Graham |
2012 |
What is the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to conduct a review? Protocol for a scoping review. |
Kastner, M., A. C. Tricco, C. Soobiah, E. Lillie, L. Perrier, T. Horsley, V. Welch, E. Cogo, J. Antony and S. E. Straus |
2012 |
Strategies for monitoring and updating clinical practice guidelines: a systematic review. |
Martinez Garcia, L., I. Arevalo-Rodriguez, I. Sola, R. B. Haynes, P. O. Vandvik, P. Alonso-Coello and G. Updating Guidelines Working |
2012 |
Improving effectiveness of clinical medicine: the need for better translation of science into practice. |
Scott, I. A. and P. P. Glasziou |
2012 |
Monitoring use of knowledge and evaluating outcomes. |
Straus, S. E., J. Tetroe, I. D. Graham, M. Zwarenstein, O. Bhattacharyya and S. Shepperd |
2010 |
Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? |
Green, L. W. |
2008 |
Implementation of a two-part unit-based multiple intervention: moving evidence-based practice into action. |
Rashotte, J., M. Thomas, D. Gregoire and S. Ledoux |
2008 |
Knowledge translation in international emergency medical care. |
Arnold, L. K., H. Alomran, V. Anantharaman, P. Halpern, M. Hauswald, P. Malmquist, E. Molyneux, B. Rajapakse, M. Ranney and J. Razzak |
2007 |
Guideline implementation research: exploring the gap between evidence and practice in the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative |
Blomkalns, A. L., Roe, M. T., Peterson, E. D., Ohman, E. M., Fraulo, E. S., Gibler, W. B. |
2007 |
Toward improved implementation of evidence-based clinical algorithms: clinical practice guidelines, clinical decision rules, and clinical pathways. |
Gaddis, G. M., P. Greenwald and S. Huckson |
2007 |
The use of health care policy to facilitate evidence-based knowledge translation in emergency medicine. |
Irvin, C. B., M. Afilalo, S. C. Sherman, S. J. Stack, S. Huckson, A. Kaji and B. Eskin |
2007 |
Knowledge translation at the macro level: legal and ethical considerations. |
Larkin, G. L., C. J. Hamann, E. P. Monico, L. Degutis, J. Schuur, W. Kantor and C. S. Graffeo |
2007 |
Does training family physicians in shared decision making promote optimal use of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections? Study protocol of a pilot clustered randomised controlled trial. |
Legare, F., M. Labrecque, A. Leblanc, R. Thivierge, G. Godin, C. Laurier, L. Cote, A. M. O'Connor, N. Allain-Boule, J. Rousseau and S. Tapp |
2007 |
Knowledge translation of the American College of Emergency Physicians clinical policy on hypertension |
Lehrmann, J. F., Tanabe, P., Baumann, B. M., Jones, M. K., Martinovich, Z., Adams, J. G. |
2007 |
Impact of human factor design on the use of order sets in the treatment of congestive heart failure. |
Reingold, S. and E. Kulstad |
2007 |
Implementation of clinical decision rules in the emergency department |
Stiell, I. G., Bennett, C. |
2007 |
Continuing education, guideline implementation, and the emerging transdisciplinary field of knowledge translation. |
Davis, D. |
2006 |
Toward evidence-based quality improvement. Evidence (and its limitations) of the effectiveness of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies 1966-1998 |
Grimshaw, J., Eccles, M., Thomas, R., MacLennan, G., Ramsay, C., Fraser, C., Vale, L. |
2006 |
Implementation of clinical guidelines on physical therapy for patients with low back pain: randomized trial comparing patient outcomes after a standard and active implementation strategy. |
Bekkering, G. E., M. W. van Tulder, E. J. Hendriks, M. A. Koopmanschap, D. L. Knol, L. M. Bouter and R. A. Oostendorp |
2005 |
Implementing evidence-based guidelines for radiography in acute low back pain: a pilot study in a chiropractic ommunity. |
Ammendolia, C., S. Hogg-Johnson, V. Pennick, R. Glazier and C. Bombardier |
2004 |
Using the Ottawa Model of Research use to implement a skin care program. |
Graham, K. and J. Logan |
2004 |
Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health. |
Haines, A., S. Kuruvilla and M. Borchert |
2004 |
Guidelines for assessing postnatal problems: introducing evidence-based guidelines in Australian general practice. |
Gunn, J., D. Southern, P. Chondros, P. Thomson and K. Robertson |
2003 |
Sources and models for moving research evidence into clinical practice. |
Davies, B. L. |
2002 |
Successes and failures in the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for clinical practice. |
Grol, R. |
2001 |
Analysis of cluster randomized trials in primary care: a practical approach |
Campbell, M. K., Mollison, J., Steen, N., Grimshaw, J. M., Eccles, M. |
2000 |
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for evaluating guideline implementation strategies |
Grimshaw, J., Campbell, M., Eccles, M., Steen, N. |
2000 |
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions designed to increase the utilization of evidence-based guidelines |
Sculpher, M. |
2000 |
Enabling the implementation of evidence based practice: a conceptual framework |
Kitson, A., Harvey, G., McCormack, B. |
1998 |
Toward a comprehensive interdisciplinary model of health care research use |
Logan, J., Graham, I. D. |
1998 |
Retailing research: increasing the role of evidence in clinical services for childbirth |
Lomas, J. |
1993 |
Vos forums