
Articles pertinents sur Guides pratiques

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From knowledge translation to engaged scholarship: promoting research relevance and utilization Bowen, S. J., Graham, I. D. 2013
Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in Web-based guideline development groups: proof of concept randomized controlled trial. Heselmans, A., B. Aertgeerts, P. Donceel, S. Van de Velde, P. Vanbrabant and D. Ramaekers 2013
Maximizing usability of evidence in rehabilitation practice: tips for researchers Sander, A. M., Van Veldhoven, L. M., Backus, D. 2013
Dementia knowledge transfer project in a rural area Stark, C., Innes, A., Szymczynska, P., Forrest, L., Proctor, K. 2013
How do we change practice when we have the evidence? Burke, J. P. and L. N. Gitlin 2012
Feasibility of a wiki as a participatory tool for patients in clinical guideline development. den Breejen, E. M., W. L. Nelen, J. M. Knijnenburg, J. S. Burgers, R. P. Hermens and J. A. Kremer 2012
Integrating the transitional relationship model into clinical practice Forchuk, C., Martin, M. L., Jensen, E., Ouseley, S., Sealy, P., Beal, G., Reynolds, W., Sharkey, S. 2012
The guideline implementability research and application network (GIRAnet): an international collaborative to support knowledge exchange: study protocol Gagliardi, A. R., Brouwers, M. C., Bhattacharyya, O. K. 2012
Roadmap for a participatory research-practice partnership to implement evidence. Harrison, M. B. and I. D. Graham 2012
What is the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to conduct a review? Protocol for a scoping review. Kastner, M., A. C. Tricco, C. Soobiah, E. Lillie, L. Perrier, T. Horsley, V. Welch, E. Cogo, J. Antony and S. E. Straus 2012
Strategies for monitoring and updating clinical practice guidelines: a systematic review. Martinez Garcia, L., I. Arevalo-Rodriguez, I. Sola, R. B. Haynes, P. O. Vandvik, P. Alonso-Coello and G. Updating Guidelines Working 2012
Improving effectiveness of clinical medicine: the need for better translation of science into practice. Scott, I. A. and P. P. Glasziou 2012
Monitoring use of knowledge and evaluating outcomes. Straus, S. E., J. Tetroe, I. D. Graham, M. Zwarenstein, O. Bhattacharyya and S. Shepperd 2010
Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? Green, L. W. 2008
Implementation of a two-part unit-based multiple intervention: moving evidence-based practice into action. Rashotte, J., M. Thomas, D. Gregoire and S. Ledoux 2008
Knowledge translation in international emergency medical care. Arnold, L. K., H. Alomran, V. Anantharaman, P. Halpern, M. Hauswald, P. Malmquist, E. Molyneux, B. Rajapakse, M. Ranney and J. Razzak 2007
Guideline implementation research: exploring the gap between evidence and practice in the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative Blomkalns, A. L., Roe, M. T., Peterson, E. D., Ohman, E. M., Fraulo, E. S., Gibler, W. B. 2007
Toward improved implementation of evidence-based clinical algorithms: clinical practice guidelines, clinical decision rules, and clinical pathways. Gaddis, G. M., P. Greenwald and S. Huckson 2007
The use of health care policy to facilitate evidence-based knowledge translation in emergency medicine. Irvin, C. B., M. Afilalo, S. C. Sherman, S. J. Stack, S. Huckson, A. Kaji and B. Eskin 2007
Knowledge translation at the macro level: legal and ethical considerations. Larkin, G. L., C. J. Hamann, E. P. Monico, L. Degutis, J. Schuur, W. Kantor and C. S. Graffeo 2007
Does training family physicians in shared decision making promote optimal use of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections? Study protocol of a pilot clustered randomised controlled trial. Legare, F., M. Labrecque, A. Leblanc, R. Thivierge, G. Godin, C. Laurier, L. Cote, A. M. O'Connor, N. Allain-Boule, J. Rousseau and S. Tapp 2007
Knowledge translation of the American College of Emergency Physicians clinical policy on hypertension Lehrmann, J. F., Tanabe, P., Baumann, B. M., Jones, M. K., Martinovich, Z., Adams, J. G. 2007
Impact of human factor design on the use of order sets in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Reingold, S. and E. Kulstad 2007
Implementation of clinical decision rules in the emergency department Stiell, I. G., Bennett, C. 2007
Continuing education, guideline implementation, and the emerging transdisciplinary field of knowledge translation. Davis, D. 2006
Toward evidence-based quality improvement. Evidence (and its limitations) of the effectiveness of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies 1966-1998 Grimshaw, J., Eccles, M., Thomas, R., MacLennan, G., Ramsay, C., Fraser, C., Vale, L. 2006
Implementation of clinical guidelines on physical therapy for patients with low back pain: randomized trial comparing patient outcomes after a standard and active implementation strategy. Bekkering, G. E., M. W. van Tulder, E. J. Hendriks, M. A. Koopmanschap, D. L. Knol, L. M. Bouter and R. A. Oostendorp 2005
Implementing evidence-based guidelines for radiography in acute low back pain: a pilot study in a chiropractic ommunity. Ammendolia, C., S. Hogg-Johnson, V. Pennick, R. Glazier and C. Bombardier 2004
Using the Ottawa Model of Research use to implement a skin care program. Graham, K. and J. Logan 2004
Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health. Haines, A., S. Kuruvilla and M. Borchert 2004
Guidelines for assessing postnatal problems: introducing evidence-based guidelines in Australian general practice. Gunn, J., D. Southern, P. Chondros, P. Thomson and K. Robertson 2003
Sources and models for moving research evidence into clinical practice. Davies, B. L. 2002
Successes and failures in the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for clinical practice. Grol, R. 2001
Analysis of cluster randomized trials in primary care: a practical approach Campbell, M. K., Mollison, J., Steen, N., Grimshaw, J. M., Eccles, M. 2000
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for evaluating guideline implementation strategies Grimshaw, J., Campbell, M., Eccles, M., Steen, N. 2000
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions designed to increase the utilization of evidence-based guidelines Sculpher, M. 2000
Enabling the implementation of evidence based practice: a conceptual framework Kitson, A., Harvey, G., McCormack, B. 1998
Toward a comprehensive interdisciplinary model of health care research use Logan, J., Graham, I. D. 1998
Retailing research: increasing the role of evidence in clinical services for childbirth Lomas, J. 1993

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