
Articles pertinents sur Des connaissances à la pratique

Auteur (s)
Knowledge Translation in eHealth: Building a Virtual Community. Bassi, J., F. Lau, S. Hagens, C. Leaver and M. Price 2013
Policy to implementation: evidence-based practice in community mental health - study protocol Beidas, R. S., Aarons, G., Barg, F., Evans, A., Hadley, T., Hoagwood, K.,Marcus, S., Schoenwald, S.,Walsh, L., Mandell, D. S. 2013
From theoretical model to practical use: an example of knowledge translation. Bjork, I. T., K. Lomborg, C. M. Nielsen, G. Brynildsen, A. M. Frederiksen, K. Larsen, I. A. Reierson, I. Sommer and B. Stenholt 2013
From knowledge translation to engaged scholarship: promoting research relevance and utilization. Bowen, S. J. and I. D. Graham 2013
Building policy capacities: an interactive approach for linking knowledge to action in health promotion. Rutten, A. and P. Gelius 2013
Learning in context: identifying gaps in research on the transfer of medical communication skills to the clinical workplace. van den Eertwegh, V., S. van Dulmen, J. van Dalen, A. J. Scherpbier and C. P. van der Vleuten 2013
Introduction. Promoting evidence-informed practice. Austin, M. J. 2012
How clinical decisions are made. Bate, L., A. Hutchinson, J. Underhill and N. Maskrey 2012
Bridging the know-do gap in health care through integrated knowledge translation. Bucknall, T. 2012
Accelerating knowledge to action: the pan-Canadian cancer control strategy. Fairclough, L., J. Hill, H. Bryant and L. Kitchen-Clarke 2012
Application of the Knowledge-to-Action and Medical Research Council frameworks in the development of an osteoporosis clinical decision support tool. Kastner, M. and S. E. Straus 2012
Collaborative capacity building in complex community-based health partnerships: a model for translating knowledge into action. Kendall, E., H. Muenchberger, N. Sunderland, M. Harris and D. Cowan 2012
Putting Evidence into Practice: The PLoS Medicine Series on Global Mental Health Practice. Patel, V., R. Jenkins, C. Lund and P. M. Editors 2012
The transfer of scientific knowledge in clinical practice. Pearson, A. 2012
Study protocol for a pilot study to explore the determinants of knowledge use in a medical education context. Reeves, S., K. Leslie, L. Baker, E. Egan-Lee, F. Legare, I. Silver, J. Rosenfield, B. Hodges, V. Curran, H. Armson and S. Kitto 2012
Moving knowledge into action: developing the rapid synthesis and translation process within the interactive systems framework. Thigpen, S., R. W. Puddy, H. H. Singer and D. M. Hall 2012
Scotland's Knowledge Network: translating knowledge into action to improve quality of care Wales, A., Graham, S., Rooney, K., Crawford, A. 2012
Le dispositif de recherche-action comme espace psychosocial d'un débat critique sur les enjeux de la prévention. Durif-Bruckert, C. and A. Gonin 2011
Moving knowledge to action through dissemination and exchange. Gagnon, M. L. 2011
Towards National Evidence-Informed Practice Guidelines for Canadian EMS: Future Directions. Jensen, J. L., T. Dobson and E. M. S. Q. I. C. Canadian 2011
Getting evidence into policy and practice: Perspective of a health research funder. Graham, I. D. and J. M. Tetroe 2009
Development of professional knowledge in action: experiences from an action science design focusing on acknowledging communication in mental health. Vatne, S., H. Bjornerem and E. Hoem 2009
Knowledge Brokering: The missing link in the evidence to action chain? Ward, V., A. House and S. Hamer 2009
Developing a framework for transferring knowledge into action: a thematic analysis of the literature. Ward, V., A. House and S. Hamer 2009
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action. Ward, V. L., A. O. House and S. Hamer 2009
Implementation of a two-part unit-based multiple intervention: moving evidence-based practice into action. Rashotte, J., M. Thomas, D. Gregoire and S. Ledoux 2008
Guideline implementation research: exploring the gap between evidence and practice in the CRUSADE Quality Improvement Initiative Blomkalns, A. L., Roe, M. T., Peterson, E. D., Ohman, E. M., Fraulo, E. S., Gibler, W. B. 2007
Keynote address: Closing the research-to-practice gap in emergency medicine. Clancy, C. M. 2007
Graduate medical education and knowledge translation: role models, information pipelines, and practice change thresholds. Diner, B. M., C. R. Carpenter, T. O'Connell, P. Pang, M. D. Brown, R. A. Seupaul, J. J. Celentano, D. Mayer and K.-C. T. I. Members 2007
How to translate health research knowledge into effective healthcare action Graham, I. D., Tetroe, J. 2007
Bridging the gap between clinical research and knowledge translation in pediatric emergency medicine Hartling, L., Scott-Findlay, S., Johnson, D., Osmond, M., Plint, A., Grimshaw, J., Klassen, T. P. 2007
Closing evidence to practice gaps in emergency care: the Australian experience Huckson, S., Davies, J. 2007
The utility of a quality improvement bundle in bridging the gap between research and standard care in the management of severe sepsis and septic shock in the emergency department Nguyen, H. B., Lynch, E. L., Mou, J. A., Lyon, K., Wittlake, W. A., Corbett, S. W. 2007
Assessing country-level efforts to link research to action. Lavis, J. N., J. Lomas, M. Hamid and N. K. Sewankambo 2006
Overview of International Literature on Knowledge Translation. National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research 2006
Bridging the “Know–Do” Gap :Meeting on Knowledge Translation in Global Health. World Health Organization 2006
Bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action for health Haines, A., Kuruvilla, S., Borchert, M. 2004
Translating Research into Practice: Implications for Organizations and Administrators. Estabrooks, C. A. 2003
Closing the gap between research and practice: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings. The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care Review Group. Bero, L. A., R. Grilli, J. M. Grimshaw, E. Harvey, A. D. Oxman, M. A. Thomson and C. E. P. O. C. R. Grp 1998

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