
Articles pertinents en Courtage des connaissances

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Knowledge brokers in a knowledge network: the case of Seniors Health Research Transfer Network knowledge brokers. Conklin, J., E. Lusk, M. Harris and P. Stolee 2013
Une synthèse exploratoire du courtage en connaissance en santé publique Ridde, V., Dagenais, C. and Boileau, M. 2013
The effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies used in public health: a systematic review. LaRocca, R., J. Yost, M. Dobbins, D. Ciliska and M. Butt 2012
Interventions to improve the use of systematic reviews in decision-making by health system managers, policy makers and clinicians. Murthy, L., S. Shepperd, M. J. Clarke, S. E. Garner, J. N. Lavis, L. Perrier, N. W. Roberts and S. E. Straus 2012
Brokered dialogue: A new research method for controversial health and social issues. Parsons, J. A. and J. V. Lavery 2012
Exploring knowledge exchange: a useful framework for practice and policy. Ward, V., S. Smith, A. House and S. Hamer 2012
Moving knowledge to action through dissemination and exchange. Gagnon, M. L. 2011
Engaging national organizations for knowledge translation: comparative case studies in knowledge value mapping. Lane, J. P. and J. D. Rogers 2011
Innovative teaching methods for capacity building in knowledge translation. Wahabi, H. A. and L. A. Al-Ansary 2011
Advancing coordinated care in four provincial healthcare systems: evaluating a knowledge-exchange intervention. Warner, G., R. Lyons, V. Parker and S. Phillips 2011
A randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of knowledge translation and exchange strategies. Dobbins, M., S. E. Hanna, D. Ciliska, S. Manske, R. Cameron, S. L. Mercer, L. O'Mara, K. DeCorby and P. Robeson 2009
A description of a knowledge broker role implemented as part of a randomized controlled trial evaluating three knowledge translation strategies. Dobbins, M., P. Robeson, D. Ciliska, S. Hanna, R. Cameron, L. O'Mara, K. DeCorby and S. Mercer 2009
Knowledge brokering: exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action. Ward, V. L., A. O. House and S. Hamer 2009
Knowledge Brokering: The missing link in the evidence to action chain? Ward, V., A. House and S. Hamer 2009
The in-between world of knowledge brokering. Lomas, J. 2007
Approaches to Knowledge-Brokering. Oldham, G. and R. McLean 1997

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