Auteur (s)
Solving the lost in translation problem: improving the effectiveness of translational research. |
Ergorul, C. and L. A. Levin |
2013 |
Dementia knowledge transfer project in a rural area. |
Stark, C., A. Innes, P. Szymczynska, L. Forrest and K. Proctor |
2013 |
Studying policy implementation using a macro, meso and micro frame analysis: the case of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) programme nationally and in North West London. |
Caldwell, S. E. and N. Mays |
2012 |
Connecting science and practice in child and adolescent mental health services research. |
Chambers, D. A., B. Pringle and D. Juliano-Bult |
2012 |
Adoption of a wiki within a large internal medicine residency program: a 3-year experience. |
Crotty, B. H., A. Mostaghimi and E. E. Reynolds |
2012 |
Mass social contact interventions and their effect on mental health related stigma and intended discrimination. |
Evans-Lacko, S., J. London, S. Japhet, N. Rusch, C. Flach, E. Corker, C. Henderson and G. Thornicroft |
2012 |
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. |
Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki |
2012 |
Community capacity building and sustainability: outcomes of community-based participatory research. |
Hacker, K., S. A. Tendulkar, C. Rideout, N. Bhuiya, C. Trinh-Shevrin, C. P. Savage, M. Grullon, H. Strelnick, C. Leung and A. DiGirolamo |
2012 |
What do peer support workers do? A job description. |
Jacobson, N., L. Trojanowski and C. S. Dewa |
2012 |
Uncovering the benefits of participatory research: implications of a realist review for health research and practice. |
Jagosh, J., A. C. Macaulay, P. Pluye, J. Salsberg, P. L. Bush, J. Henderson, E. Sirett, G. Wong, M. Cargo, C. P. Herbert, S. D. Seifer, L. W. Green and T. Greenhalgh |
2012 |
Contribution mapping: a method for mapping the contribution of research to enhance its impact. |
Kok, M. O. and A. J. Schuit |
2012 |
Developing effective research-practice partnerships for creating a culture of evidence-based decision making. |
Riemer, M., S. D. Kelley, S. Casey and K. Taylor Haynes |
2012 |
Community-engaged pedagogy: a strengths-based approach to involving diverse stakeholders in research partnerships. |
Rubin, C. L., L. S. Martinez, J. Chu, K. Hacker, D. Brugge, A. Pirie, N. Allukian, A. M. Rodday and L. K. Leslie |
2012 |
Implementing community-based provider participation in research: an empirical study. |
Teal, R., D. M. Bergmire, M. Johnston and B. J. Weiner |
2012 |
Creating a knowledge translation trainee collaborative: from conceptualization to lessons learned in the first year. |
Cornelissen, E., R. Urquhart, V. W. Chan, R. T. Deforge, H. L. Colquhoun, S. Sibbald and H. Witteman |
2011 |
Amplifying diffusion of health information in low-literate populations through adult education health literacy classes. |
Freedman, A. M., K. R. Miner, K. V. Echt, R. Parker and H. L. Cooper |
2011 |
Evaluating the relevance, generalization, and applicability of research: issues in external validation and translation methodology. |
Green, L. W. and R. E. Glasgow |
2006 |
Theoretical basis and program design of a school-based mental health intervention for traumatized immigrant children: a collaborative research partnership. |
Stein, B. D., S. Kataoka, L. H. Jaycox, M. Wong, A. Fink, P. Escudero and C. Zaragoza |
2002 |
A cross-training program for internal medicine and gynecology. |
Hanley, K., E. K. Kachur and A. Kalet |
2001 |
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions designed to increase the utilization of evidence-based guidelines. |
Sculpher, M. |
2000 |
Improving pain management after total joint replacement surgery. |
Neitzel, J. J., E. H. Miller, M. F. Shepherd and M. Belgrade |
1999 |
Toward a theoretical model of evaluation utilization. |
Johnson, R. B. |
1998 |
Cross-training concept paper. |
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1997 |
Vos forums