
Articles pertinents pour Formation croisée

Auteur (s)
A state's approach to suicide prevention awareness: gatekeeper training in Kentucky. Cerel, J., J. H. Padgett, V. Robbins and B. Kaminer 2012
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki 2012
Meilleures pratiques et formation dans le contexte du continuum des services en santé mentale et en toxicomanie: le programme de formation croisée du sud-ouest de Montréal. Perreault, M., D., N. Wiethaueper, J. P. Perreault, J. P. Bonin, T. brown and H. Brunaud 2009
Changing hospital newborn nursery practice: results from a statewide "Back to Sleep" nurses training program. Price, S. K., L. Hillman, P. Gardner, K. Schenk and C. Warren 2008
Testing three team training strategies in intact teams - A meta-analysis. Salas, E., D. R. Nichols and J. E. Driskell 2007
Cross-Training Resource Kit.
Expérience de formation croisée dans un contexte d'intégration des services en réseau dans le sud-ouest de Montréal. Perreault, M., J. P. Bonin, G. Veilleux, G. Alary and I. Ferland 2005
A cross-training program for internal medicine and gynecology. Hanley, K., E. K. Kachur and A. Kalet 2001
The Impact of Cross-Training and Workload on Team Functioning: A Replication and Extension of Initial Findings. Cannon-Bowers, J. A., E. Salas, E. Blickensderfer and C. A. Bowers 1998
Linking injection drug users to medical services: role of street outreach referrals. Greenberg, J. B., R. MacGowan, M. Neumann, A. Long, R. Cheney, D. Fernando, C. Sterk and W. Wiebel 1998
Cross-training concept paper.
The impact of cross-training on team functioning: an empirical investigation. Volpe, C. E., J. A. Cannon-Bowers, E. Salas and P. E. Spector 1996

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