
Articles pertinents sur Évaluation des Connaissances

Auteur (s)
Solving the lost in translation problem: improving the effectiveness of translational research. Ergorul, C. and L. A. Levin 2013
Dementia knowledge transfer project in a rural area. Stark, C., A. Innes, P. Szymczynska, L. Forrest and K. Proctor 2013
Studying policy implementation using a macro, meso and micro frame analysis: the case of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) programme nationally and in North West London. Caldwell, S. E. and N. Mays 2012
Connecting science and practice in child and adolescent mental health services research. Chambers, D. A., B. Pringle and D. Juliano-Bult 2012
Adoption of a wiki within a large internal medicine residency program: a 3-year experience. Crotty, B. H., A. Mostaghimi and E. E. Reynolds 2012
Mass social contact interventions and their effect on mental health related stigma and intended discrimination. Evans-Lacko, S., J. London, S. Japhet, N. Rusch, C. Flach, E. Corker, C. Henderson and G. Thornicroft 2012
Development, implementation and initial evaluation of narrative virtual patients for use in vocational mental health nurse training. Guise, V., M. Chambers, E. Conradi, S. Kavia and M. Valimaki 2012
Community capacity building and sustainability: outcomes of community-based participatory research. Hacker, K., S. A. Tendulkar, C. Rideout, N. Bhuiya, C. Trinh-Shevrin, C. P. Savage, M. Grullon, H. Strelnick, C. Leung and A. DiGirolamo 2012
What do peer support workers do? A job description. Jacobson, N., L. Trojanowski and C. S. Dewa 2012
Uncovering the benefits of participatory research: implications of a realist review for health research and practice. Jagosh, J., A. C. Macaulay, P. Pluye, J. Salsberg, P. L. Bush, J. Henderson, E. Sirett, G. Wong, M. Cargo, C. P. Herbert, S. D. Seifer, L. W. Green and T. Greenhalgh 2012
Contribution mapping: a method for mapping the contribution of research to enhance its impact. Kok, M. O. and A. J. Schuit 2012
Developing effective research-practice partnerships for creating a culture of evidence-based decision making. Riemer, M., S. D. Kelley, S. Casey and K. Taylor Haynes 2012
Community-engaged pedagogy: a strengths-based approach to involving diverse stakeholders in research partnerships. Rubin, C. L., L. S. Martinez, J. Chu, K. Hacker, D. Brugge, A. Pirie, N. Allukian, A. M. Rodday and L. K. Leslie 2012
Implementing community-based provider participation in research: an empirical study. Teal, R., D. M. Bergmire, M. Johnston and B. J. Weiner 2012
Creating a knowledge translation trainee collaborative: from conceptualization to lessons learned in the first year. Cornelissen, E., R. Urquhart, V. W. Chan, R. T. Deforge, H. L. Colquhoun, S. Sibbald and H. Witteman 2011
Amplifying diffusion of health information in low-literate populations through adult education health literacy classes. Freedman, A. M., K. R. Miner, K. V. Echt, R. Parker and H. L. Cooper 2011
Evaluating the relevance, generalization, and applicability of research: issues in external validation and translation methodology. Green, L. W. and R. E. Glasgow 2006
Theoretical basis and program design of a school-based mental health intervention for traumatized immigrant children: a collaborative research partnership. Stein, B. D., S. Kataoka, L. H. Jaycox, M. Wong, A. Fink, P. Escudero and C. Zaragoza 2002
A cross-training program for internal medicine and gynecology. Hanley, K., E. K. Kachur and A. Kalet 2001
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions designed to increase the utilization of evidence-based guidelines. Sculpher, M. 2000
Improving pain management after total joint replacement surgery. Neitzel, J. J., E. H. Miller, M. F. Shepherd and M. Belgrade 1999
Toward a theoretical model of evaluation utilization. Johnson, R. B. 1998
Cross-training concept paper. - 1997

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